
全部、作家は、不幸である。(太宰治著「緒方氏を殺した者」より) 語法文法研究。強調構文とか 2011/5/15(Sun.)
excite …【動詞】興奮させる
 exiciting …興奮させるような
 exicited …興奮している

They were surprised to see the monkey smoking.
They were astonished that the monkey was smoking.
to V~, that S Vが感情の原因

I found myself excited to see ~.

His shyness made him afraid to V~.

I'm sure (that) you will find this book quite helpful.

It is said that the earth was originally part of the sun.
 = The sun is said to have been ~~.

It appeared that S V. …SVのように思われた。
There appeared to be no one inside.
// to be以下の時制は文の主動詞(appeared)と一致。
// 過去にしないなら "to have Ved" とする。

It seems that he has not eaten anything.
a structure believed to have been built

I am sure that S V.
I am certain that S V.
It is certain that S V. 

S happen to V …偶然Vする。
It happens/chances that SV. …偶然SV
It turns+out/proves that SV. …(あとになって)SVと判明する
S turn+out/prove (to be) C. …SがCだと判明する
S is likely to V. …SはVの可能性が高い(Vしやすい)
(×) It is likely that SV.

It was careless/stupid/unwise of me to leave the door unlocked.

His knowledge of several languages made it possible for him
to get a job easily in that country.

= His knowledge of several languages made it easy for him
to get a job in that country.

A heavy fog made it necessary/inevitable for us to close several roads.

It is no use/good advising him to resign.
 = There is no use/opoing in advising ~.

It is/has+been 200 years since Haydon died.
 = Two hundred years have passed since Haydon died.
 = Haydon has been died for 200 years.

It was some time before he realized what happend to him.
	It (時間) before ~~. …~~まで時間がある
	some time …しばらく
	It is long before ~ …長い時間~しない
	It is not long before ~ …まもなく~する
	※ A until B: Bまで(Bしない間)Aが続く (A xor B)
It didn't take me long to see what was wrong with the car.

S take O for granted.
S take it for granted that S' V'.

He took it for granted that he would pass the examination.

It is (強調する語句(名詞の形)) that ~.

It is not what you say but how you say it that counts/matters/is important.
// you sayの目的語(what, it)を忘れないこと。


(疑問詞) is it that ~? …~なのは一体なぜですか?
Why was it that he decided to return to Japan?

S is easy/hard/difficult/tough/dangerous/possible/pleasure to V.

	This book is easy to read.
	She is easy to get along with.

	This river is dangerous to swim in.
	These chopsticks are difficult to hold foods with.

S is worth Ving.

	What he says is worth paying attention to.
	some one who needed taking care of
	(×)some one who needed being taken care of

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